Keydra Documentation
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About Config Providers

Config providers are a special type of Keydra provider, that can be the source of secrets and environments for Keydra to manage.

They must have an accountusername attribute, and a load_config method, which they use to bootstrap Keydra.

This special method is passed initial config values, which are built by Keydra from environment variables as can be seen in docs/sample_template.yaml.

        "accountusername": "an_account",
        "secrets": {
            "repository": "keydraconfiguration",
            "filetype": "yaml",
            "path": "config/secrets.yaml"
        "environments": {
            "filetype": "yaml",
            "repository": "keydraconfiguration",
            "path": "config/environments.yaml"

When distributing secrets to a code repo, the config accountusername will be used by default, unless over-ridden within the config section of the distribution spec. For example, this distribution would use the gyrospectre organisation in Github:

                repository: my_code
                scope: repository
                - dev
            key: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
            provider: github
            source: key

Whereas this spec overrides the default to use the woot org.

                repository: my_code
                scope: repository
                account_username: woot
                - dev
            key: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
            provider: github
            source: key